Descendants of Richard Cundiff or Northumberland County Virginia

Name List

No Surname, <, A, B, C, D, [E], F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,






EAST, William AndyS born Abt 1855
EAST, ZellaC born 1 Oct 1890 died 19 Apr 1949
ECHOLS, JaneS born Abt 1798
EDWARDS, LouisaP died 1 May 1878
EISBERG, Lucinda Margaret KathrineP born 14 Sep 1887 died 12 Aug 1962
ELLIOTT, EbenezerS born Abt 1842
ELLIOTT, Thomas MC born Abt 1882

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